| Kapitel 3 - Date with Hate: Hassliebe mit Folgen - Billionaire Romance, Buch 3 | Rebecca Baker, Tanja Rasch, Marco Meyer | 3:02 | |
| Kapitel 95 - Billion Dollar Beast - Seattle Billionaires, Band 2 | Olivia Hayle, Matti Kirsch, Marlen Ulonska | 4:11 | |
| Kapitel 84 - Moments of Destiny | Kimmy Reeve, Louisa Beele, Anton Keller, Izabella Rey, Nini Linnet | 3:00 | |
| Kapitel 67 - Move On - New England School of Ballet, Teil 4 | Anna Savas, Nora Jokhosha, Jonas Frenz | 3:22 | |
| Kapitel 101 - New York Bad Boys - Liam: Verliebt in ein Model - Yearn for 4, Band 4 | Allie Kinsley, Daniel Boeken, Tina-Marie Kunter | 3:01 | |
| Kapitel 18 - Gamble: Träume in Manchester - British Boss, Band 2 | C. R. Scott, Sandra Vogt, Marco Meyer | 3:01 | |
| Kapitel 8 - Triff den CEO, Pretty Woman! - Kings of Beverly Hills, Band 1 | Emma S. Rose, Nini Linnet, Mike Langhans | 3:08 | |
| Kapitel 129 - Gin Fling - Bootleg Springs, Band 5 | Lucy Score, Claire Kingsley, Marlen Ulonska, Mario Lucas | 3:24 | |
| Kapitel 31 - Doctor Smug - Love Troubles, Band 2 | Whitley Cox, Marlen Ulonska, Christian Scheibhorn | 3:29 | |
| Kapitel 29 - James Knight - The Cunningham Knights, Band 2 | Freya Miles, Pierre Cartier, Izabella Rey | 3:03 | |
| Kapitel 61 - Billion Dollar Beast - Seattle Billionaires, Band 2 | Olivia Hayle, Matti Kirsch, Marlen Ulonska | 4:03 | |
| Kapitel 183 - Infinity Falling - Change My Mind - Infinity-Reihe, Teil 2 | Sarah Sprinz, Corinna Dorenkamp, Tim Schwarzmaier | 3:05 | |
| Teil 3 - Savage Elite - Dunkle Herzen - Blackbury Academy-Reihe, Band 1 | Liz Rosen, Sabine Menne, Till Beck | 3:44 | |
| Kapitel 1 - Ruthless Billionaire: Geheime Begierde - Billionaire Romance, Buch 6 | Rebecca Baker, Martina Gebbert, Marco Meyer | 3:02 | |
| Kapitel 122 - Die Sterne werden fallen - Ophelia Scale, Teil 3 | Lena Kiefer, Luisa Wietzorek | 3:11 | |