| Kapitel 63 - Kiss me in April: Aus Versehen Verliebt - Kleinstadtliebe in Pinewood Bay, Band 4 | Kimmy Reeve, Mario Lucas, Lara Wolf | 3:02 | |
| Kapitel 2 - Ein Wide Receiver für Naomi - San Antonio Lions Rookies, Band 2 | Christine Troy, Pius Maria Cüppers, Iris Zeytindali | 3:02 | |
| Kapitel 5 - Billion Dollar Beast - Seattle Billionaires, Band 2 | Olivia Hayle, Matti Kirsch, Marlen Ulonska | 4:22 | |
| Kapitel 49 - British Player | Vi Keeland, Penelope Ward, Julia von Tettenborn, Louis Friedemann Thiele | 3:06 | |
| Kapitel 20 - Firefighters: Cole's Story - Paradise, Texas, Band 1 | Aurelia Velten, Philipp Lorenz, Izabella Rey | 3:07 | |
| Kapitel 132 - Moments of Destiny | Kimmy Reeve, Louisa Beele, Anton Keller, Izabella Rey, Nini Linnet | 3:01 | |
| Kapitel 1 - Cruel Fate of Love - Wild Tigers, Band 10 | Liv Keen, Kathrin Lichters, Frank Dolde, Tina Lehmann | 3:03 | |
| Kapitel 21 - I Could Never Love You: Du bist mein - New York City Lawyers, Band 2 | Emily Key, Lola Roth, Stefan Kohlmann | 3:02 | |
| Kapitel 18 - Cruel Fate of Love - Wild Tigers, Band 10 | Liv Keen, Kathrin Lichters, Frank Dolde, Tina Lehmann | 3:01 | |
| Kapitel 55 - Perfect Player | Vi Keeland, Penelope Ward, Karo Rieper, Louis Friedemann Thiele | 3:11 | |
| Kapitel 81 - Moments of Destiny | Kimmy Reeve, Louisa Beele, Anton Keller, Izabella Rey, Nini Linnet | 3:01 | |
| Kapitel 14 - Doctor and CEO - Doctor-Reihe, Teil 3 | Louise Bay, Julia von Tettenborn, Alexander Schwarz | 3:10 | |
| Kapitel 20 - Kiss me in January: Verliebt in einen Single-Dad - Kleinstadtliebe in Pinewood Bay, Band 1 | Allie Kinsley, János Jung, Marlene Holm | 3:02 | |
| Kapitel 15 - Cruel Fate of Love - Wild Tigers, Band 10 | Liv Keen, Kathrin Lichters, Frank Dolde, Tina Lehmann | 3:03 | |
| Kapitel 18 - Der Sieg des Highlanders - Highlander, Teil 10 | Lynsay Sands, Jutta Seifert | 3:03 | |
| Kapitel 6 - Perfect Player | Vi Keeland, Penelope Ward, Karo Rieper, Louis Friedemann Thiele | 3:09 | |