| Kapitel 82 - Moments of Destiny | Kimmy Reeve, Louisa Beele, Anton Keller, Izabella Rey, Nini Linnet | 3:01 | |
| Kapitel 81 - Davy - Hollywood BadBoys, Band 6 | Allie Kinsley, Yannick Forstenhäusler, Lara Wolf | 3:03 | |
| Kapitel 41 - Highball Rush - Bootleg Springs, Band 6 | Claire Kingsley, Lucy Score, Max Rauch, Sarah Dorsel | 4:22 | |
| Kapitel 188 - Tough Choices - Whitestone Hospital, Teil 3 | Ava Reed, Marie Bierstedt, Tim Schwarzmaier | 3:18 | |
| Kapitel 19 - Schall und Schein - Die Wortweberin, Band 1 | Elvira Zeißler, Michaela Gaertner | 3:06 | |
| Kapitel 42 - Wie die Luft zum Atmen - Romance Elements, Teil 1 | Brittainy C. Cherry, Eva Becker, Vincent Fallow | 3:14 | |
| Kapitel 55 - Restless, Sleepless - Surprised Hearts, Band 2 | C. R. Scott, Tanja Rasch, Thomas Beyer | 3:04 | |
| Kapitel 90 - Soul Searching - Pearl-Lake-Reihe, Teil 2 | Helena Hunting, Elisa Buchholz, Andrej Pietzsch | 3:18 | |
| Kapitel 11 - Hangover: Wie kann man ihn vergessen? | Emma Smith, Nikolas Lichtenberg, Elena Maresch | 3:09 | |
| Kapitel 8 - Today I'll talk to him - Today, Band 1 | Bianca Wege, Pia-Rhona Saxe | 3:12 | |