Dolfvan der Linden, New Century Orchestra, Erich Börschel, The Bosworth Orchestra, Continental Theatre Orchestra, The Crawford Light Orchestra, Dolf van der Linden Orchestra, Group Fifty Orchestra, Group-Forty Orchestra, Hilversum Radio Ensemble, Lansdowne Light Orchestra, Malcolm Lockyer Orchestra, Mel Young Orchestra, New Concert Orchestra, Queen's Hall Light Orchestra, Roger Roger Champs Elysees Orchestra, Symphonia Orchestra, The Telecast Orchestra, The Connaught Light Orchestra, The Westway Studio Orchestra
Vivat Regina
The Kneller Hall State Trumpeters, The Regimental Band of the Coldstream Guards, Laurie Johnson
It Was Night
Antonio Rossi & His Orchestra
Laurie Johnson
Young At Heart (Theme from the film)
Johnny Richards, Carolyn Leigh, Russ Conway, The Rita Williams Singers, Tony Osborne, Tony Osborne & Orchestra