| Kapitel 3 - Triff den CEO, Pretty Woman! - Kings of Beverly Hills, Band 1 | Emma S. Rose, Nini Linnet, Mike Langhans | 3:05 | |
| Kapitel 13 - Never tempt your Boss - New York Boss Reihe, Band 7 | Sarah Saxx, Maja Mondini, Uwe Thoma, Kevin Kasper | 3:09 | |
| Kapitel 6 - I Could Never Love You: Du bist mein - New York City Lawyers, Band 2 | Emily Key, Lola Roth, Stefan Kohlmann | 3:02 | |
| Kapitel 168 - Ein Highlander in Nöten - Highlander, Teil 8 | Lynsay Sands, Jutta Seifert | 3:03 | |
| Kapitel 41 - Highball Rush - Bootleg Springs, Band 6 | Claire Kingsley, Lucy Score, Max Rauch, Sarah Dorsel | 4:22 | |
| Kapitel 6 - Love, Peace, Kiss | Hannah Kaiser, Hannah Levy, Martin Kuupa | 3:04 | |
| Kapitel 121 - The Black Tower - Gefährliche Sehnsucht - The Black Tower, Band 1 | Kimmy Reeve, Tina Lehmann, Frank Dolde | 3:06 | |
| Kapitel 2 - Time out - two minutes to Kiss - Pittsburgh Football Love, Band 1 | Hailey J. Morgan, Nina Kokoli, U. C. Roth | 3:03 | |
| Kapitel 125 - Gin Fling - Bootleg Springs, Band 5 | Lucy Score, Claire Kingsley, Marlen Ulonska, Mario Lucas | 3:38 | |
| Kapitel 16 - Never Regret - Never, Band 1 | D. K. Alphia, Daphne Bühner, Kerrin Gossow, Lilith Wunder, Mario Lucas, Daniel Boeken | 3:05 | |
| Kapitel 38 - Evan Knight - The Knights, Band 1 | Freya Miles, Julia Gruber, Marc Winterkorn | 3:03 | |
| Kapitel 14 - Hangover: Wie kann man ihn vergessen? | Emma Smith, Nikolas Lichtenberg, Elena Maresch | 3:07 | |
| Kapitel 28 - Kiss me in April: Aus Versehen Verliebt - Kleinstadtliebe in Pinewood Bay, Band 4 | Kimmy Reeve, Mario Lucas, Lara Wolf | 3:02 | |
| Kapitel 5 - Starting Something New - Starting Something, Teil 1 | April Dawson, Simone Walleck, Madieu Ulbrich | 3:12 | |
| Kapitel 16 - Heart Play | Vi Keeland, Corinna Dorenkamp, Louis Friedemann Thiele, Pia-Rhona Saxe | 3:10 | |
| Kapitel 12 - Das Tal des Grauens (Teil 1: Der Mord in Birstone) | Sherlock Holmes - Die Romane, Sherlock Holmes, Audio Media Digital Hörbücher | 3:02 | |
| Kapitel 22 - Mädchen ohne Wiederkehr | Ilona Bulazel, Martin Valdeig | 3:04 | |
| Kapitel 7 - Ein Wide Receiver für Naomi - San Antonio Lions Rookies, Band 2 | Christine Troy, Pius Maria Cüppers, Iris Zeytindali | 3:01 | |
| Kapitel 64 - Hochzeitsdeal mit dem Boss: A Fake Marriage Boss Romance - San Antonio Billionaires, Band 2 | Katrin Emilia Buck, Carla Seidel, Mario Lucas | 3:01 | |
| Kapitel 82 - Moments of Destiny | Kimmy Reeve, Louisa Beele, Anton Keller, Izabella Rey, Nini Linnet | 3:01 | |
| Kapitel 11 - Doctor and CEO - Doctor-Reihe, Teil 3 | Louise Bay, Julia von Tettenborn, Alexander Schwarz | 3:17 | |
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| Kapitel 26 - Der Sieg des Highlanders - Highlander, Teil 10 | Lynsay Sands, Jutta Seifert | 3:03 | |
| Kapitel 60 - Firefighters: Cole's Story - Paradise, Texas, Band 1 | Aurelia Velten, Philipp Lorenz, Izabella Rey | 3:02 | |
| Kapitel 18 - Starting Something New - Starting Something, Teil 1 | April Dawson, Simone Walleck, Madieu Ulbrich | 3:01 | |
| Kapitel 39 - Kiss me in April: Aus Versehen Verliebt - Kleinstadtliebe in Pinewood Bay, Band 4 | Kimmy Reeve, Mario Lucas, Lara Wolf | 3:01 | |
| Kapitel 73 - Eternity Online | Mikkel Robrahn, Louis Friedemann Thiele | 4:08 | |
| Kapitel 73 - Never Regret - Never, Band 1 | D. K. Alphia, Daphne Bühner, Kerrin Gossow, Lilith Wunder, Mario Lucas, Daniel Boeken | 3:01 | |
| Kapitel 109 - Gin Fling - Bootleg Springs, Band 5 | Lucy Score, Claire Kingsley, Marlen Ulonska, Mario Lucas | 3:33 | |
| Kapitel 102 - Signora Commissaria und die dunklen Geister | Pietro Bellini, Achim Buch | 3:03 | |
| Kapitel 67 - Kiss me in April: Aus Versehen Verliebt - Kleinstadtliebe in Pinewood Bay, Band 4 | Kimmy Reeve, Mario Lucas, Lara Wolf | 3:03 | |
| Kapitel 43 - Mädchen ohne Wiederkehr | Ilona Bulazel, Martin Valdeig | 3:02 | |
| Kapitel 61 - Eternity Online | Mikkel Robrahn, Louis Friedemann Thiele | 4:13 | |
| Kapitel 1 - Never Regret - Never, Band 1 | D. K. Alphia, Daphne Bühner, Kerrin Gossow, Lilith Wunder, Mario Lucas, Daniel Boeken | 3:02 | |
| Kapitel 5 - Perfect Player | Vi Keeland, Penelope Ward, Karo Rieper, Louis Friedemann Thiele | 3:04 | |
| Kapitel 2 - Ein Wide Receiver für Naomi - San Antonio Lions Rookies, Band 2 | Christine Troy, Pius Maria Cüppers, Iris Zeytindali | 3:02 | |
| Kapitel 9 - Moments of Destiny | Kimmy Reeve, Louisa Beele, Anton Keller, Izabella Rey, Nini Linnet | 3:07 | |
| Kapitel 18 - Gamble: Träume in Manchester - British Boss, Band 2 | C. R. Scott, Sandra Vogt, Marco Meyer | 3:01 | |
| Kapitel 14 - Gieriges Sylt - Hannah Lambert ermittelt, Band 6 | Thomas Herzberg, Sebastian Stielke | 3:04 | |
| Kapitel 134 - Signora Commissaria und die dunklen Geister | Pietro Bellini, Achim Buch | 3:02 | |
| Kapitel 2 - Armageddon - Armageddon, Band 1 | Wolfgang Hohlbein, Mathias Kopetzki | 3:16 | |
| Kapitel 62 - I Could Never Love You: Du bist mein - New York City Lawyers, Band 2 | Emily Key, Lola Roth, Stefan Kohlmann | 3:02 | |
| Kapitel 03 - Hot Like Clay - Kentucky Love | Yvonne Westphal, Mario Lucas, Emilia Schwarzfeld | 3:15 | |
| Kapitel 07 - Hot Like Clay - Kentucky Love | Yvonne Westphal, Mario Lucas, Emilia Schwarzfeld | 3:09 | |
| Kapitel 82 - Mordnacht auf Rügen: Ostseekrimi - Küstenkrimi | Birger Brand | 3:08 | |
| Kapitel 16 - Fairy Tale Gone Wrong | Mia Kingsley | 3:06 | |
| Mats in Husum.5 - Nordfriesenmord | Stefanie Schreiber, audioparadies | 3:29 | |
| Kapitel 105 - Shelby - Game Time, Baby (Daddy über Nacht) | Ava Avery | 3:06 | |
| Kapitel 58 - Baby Rebound für den Boss | Ava Avery | 3:09 | |
| Kapitel 50 - Fairy Tale Gone Wrong | Mia Kingsley | 3:07 | |