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Songs similar toWax by Onett


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#8 regret (From "Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion")Qumu2:42
Megalovania (8 Bit Undertale)8-Bit Bunker2:38
CipherKevin MacLeod3:51
ViolenceRozebud, JADS2:25
Trinity (Unfinished) - EncoreSpringless Music4:37
El BunkoCalum Bowen1:31
I CAN YOU CAN (Deltarune: Chapter Rewritten) - v2TaeSkull1:04
Trailer Theme - RemixLSPLASH1:38
IntroductionsJoel Tumelty, troy_en1:23
Lights OffMOB Games1:20
Local ForecastKevin MacLeod3:19
Lights-Out (Retry Theme)Sock.clip2:33
Another Day Another TestKyle Allen Music2:00
Break In 2 (Robot Scary Larry Boss) ThemeTanookiAlex1:31
The SwampCalum Bowen2:13
NODE GRAPH OUT OF DATEAxosun, Phil_Thyrich2:33
Rhythmic AscensionBurning Sexuality1:45
Still Alivemakruzyy2:34
Welcome HomeJoel Tumelty, the_mad_duck2:10
Record Scratchnapcast2:34
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End Is NearKisker1:18
Cute CircusTsundere Twintails3:03
VINTAGE MINEFIELDAxosun, Phil_Thyrich3:04
Faded LobbyUglyburger01:30
Poisonous ValleyCrazyblox4:38
Itty Bitty 8 BitKevin MacLeod3:13
Almost Closing TimeKyle Allen Music1:51
Wrong Enemy !?Toby Fox0:58
Airplayin'RecD, Seek's Music and Stuff1:50
funiculi holidayMr. Sauceman, ClascyJitto1:15
Mondaymania IIaytanner3:51
Is That a FinBslick1:34
Chapter Rewritten: BIG BANGItsaleccio2:02
chip does a danceTim - The Little Music Fox, Chipflake2:02
LobbyCalum Bowen1:43
Our FunfairJoel Tumelty, the_mad_duck3:22
Your Best NightmareToby Fox4:00
MenuBenjamin Crimson1:16
Sinking ShipCrazyblox, Manel Navola3:49
It's Been so Long (Authentic 8-Bit Nes Version)8-Bit Bunker2:52
House - 3.0 VersionMoldyGH2:19
It's a DownpourAxosun, Dynzz1:08
Shirts and PantsStealthPilot1:01
Trick or TreatKyle Allen Music1:30
A Slice and A ScoopGGMusic1:58